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Welcome to the German-Irish Club Düsseldorf, where the Rhine meets the Liffey. Our events in the Rhine-Ruhr area bring together both Irish people and people who simply have a strong passion for Ireland.

Ausstellung "Table Service" 23.08.-07.09.

Ausstellung "Table Service" 23.08.-07.09.

As part of Zeitgeist Irland 24, the season of Irish arts and culture in Germany, the exhibition "Table Service" opens on Friday 23 August 2024 at 5pm in Cologne/Köln. This project has been co-organised by the Town Twinning Association Köln-Cork. Admission is free. Table Service is a joint exhi...

2024-08-19 19:21

New Website of the DIG

In our efforts to modernise our communication both in the digital and analogue world, we have worked over past year to create a new website. Our logo used a very own version triskelion (triple spiral) which we have updated, fusing old and new together. This website is also offering responsive design...

2024-07-24 21:05

Let's BBQ on 26 July!

Join us in celebrating 45 years of club history at our traditional DIG BBQ. On Friday, 26 July 2024 at 7pm at McLaughlin's Pub in the Düsseldorf Altstadt, we welcome members, friends and newbies to have some chitchat with some delicious Guinness and lovely self-made food. Please bring along whatever...

2024-07-03 16:24

Vortrag zu Rechtssystemen in Deutschland und Irland

Am 24. Mai 2024 haben wir Rechtsanwalt Lothar Köhl bei uns willkommen geheißen. In einem Vortrag in Kooperation mit der Volkshochschule Düsseldorf hat der Experte im internationalen Recht mit persönlicher Beziehung zu Irland dazu erzählt, was die Rechtssysteme in Deutschland und Irland ausmacht, wie...

2024-06-06 12:14

"Familientreffen" der deutsch-irischen Vereine

Ausgerechnet am 11.11., dem Beginn der Karnevalssession, fand das Treffen der deutsch-irischen Vereine in Berlin. Dabei wurden wir herzlichst vom irischen Botschafter Dr. Nicholas O'Brien in der Botschaft und später auch zum Abendessen in seiner Residenz empfangen. Mit Rona, Haris und Kate waren wir...

2023-11-20 18:20

Apply for the YFU exchange programme 2024/25

Students who are interested in Ireland now have the opportunity to apply for an exchange year in Ireland in 2024/25. There they will live with a host family, attend the local school and get to know everyday life in Ireland. The young people must be between 15 and 18 years old when they leave in summ...

2023-10-18 17:02

New executive team elected

The Annual General Meeting of the German-Irish Society Düsseldorf took place on 22 September 2023. The previous chair, Udo Lauterborn, did not stand for Chair again. Haris Trgo and Rona Behrentin were elected as Co-chairs. Rita Neitzert continues as Treasurer, while Udo Lauterborn now takes over as...

2023-09-22 12:17